Hello friends,
I am back with another essay and here I have shared my
opinion on whether keeping animals in zoo is cruel.
Keeping animals in zoo is cruel.
I think that keeping animals in zoo is very
cruel. Centuries ago, we humans were also like animals. Only because humans
were intelligent and evolved from their stone age ways, we can’t neglect that
animals have equal importance on this planet. Animals have their own right and
we can’t violate these by keeping them in zoos.
We always say that, “Human is a social animal” and we forget that
animals are too living beings on this planet. They can’t live in concrete prison
with only interacting few animals of their species. Animals are not meant to be
displayed for entertainment purpose. They are meant to live in the wild with their
own ways. If we humans are kept alone, detached from people and society, we
will face boredom, stress and depression. We can’t live like that right?
similarly animals too can’t live away from their habitat and species in zoo.
Due to
the greediness of earning wealth, people capture animals and keep them in zoos.
Animals are part of the earth that live in the wild, hunt and fight for their food.
A really contrasting atmosphere is present in the zoos. The animals don’t sprint
and fight for food. They don’t have to live in the extreme climate of wild. They
don’t need to starve for food as food is given to them from time to time by the
zoo-keepers. These luxuries from my perspective can lead to weaker generation
of that species. Animals should be left in wild where they have to fight for their
are many ideologies in the statement that keeping animals in zoo is cruel but
my views will always be that animals are meant to live in wild, in peace and
freedom. We humans have no right to take the freedom from animals. It is fine
to have few zoos that display animals not found in that state or country. I feel
that we should keep animals in wildlife sanctuaries or national park, instead
of zoos.
pic courtesy- Google Images
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