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Essay on My Experience of Offline school after Lockdown.

My Experience of offline school after lockdown.

After about one and a half years, locked in our homes with no friends to meet and no connection with the external world, the news of offline school was like bliss in solitude. It was very frustrating for students to manage their studies all day long with no opportunity to go outdoors or meet friends, but now offline school was like a superhero arrived to save the day. Students like me were on cloud nine upon hearing the news because our seniors had to face the so-called “online covid batch” tag but now we could proudly state that we had attended offline classes and experienced offline school life. 

 When was the school reopening, how should we be dressed, and which room do we have to be seated in dozens of questions were showered on the teachers, which they appreciably tackled! Finally, the important day arrived and I was a little sad to break from my daily routine of getting up late and directly joining school online from my bed. I had to wake up early, dress up in my school uniform and get ready for school. An unusual hubbub in the early morning, with the sight of students chattering on their way to school and mothers running behind their children with forgotten tiffin and bottles, melted my heart. My parents accompanied me to school that day and I was equally nervous as I was on my first day of school but their presence helped to lighten my mood. As I entered the school premise, we students were made to stand six feet apart from each other as we proceeded for screening.

 All the teachers and students were wearing masks and sincerely followed the covid protocols. As soon as my screening was done, I was directed to the classroom where we were supposed to be seated for the day. I was almost in tears of joy, walking down the corridors while many memories rushed back to me. I was pleased to meet my teachers and talk to them although only their warm smile was enough to feel their care and affection for us students. After entering the classroom and locating my seat, I settled down. I exchanged glances with my friends sitting around and before I could realize I burst into laughter and chattering away with my mates. The spirit of reunion and joy was in the air. I was glad to meet them after what felt like a millennium and was shocked to see how many of them looked quite different from when I had last seen them.

 Time flies and before I could realize, it was the last day of the semester. Initially, I had to face some difficulty adjusting to the new routine but only my parent's and teachers’ encouragement kept me going. A completely contrasting vibe was present on the last day from the first day. Gleaming faces and buzzing students surrounded the school premise. Plans were being made; all were ready to paint the town red. I was very proud of my school for making all the arrangements for our safety and smooth conduction of classes. Most importantly, I had gathered many golden memories to be cherished livelong.

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So that is all for this essay. I hope you liked the essay and if it was helpful do follow my blog and support my work. I bring similar informative essays for you all so do check out our recent posts and share them with students or friends to whom my work would be helpful. Signing off for now but will see you soon in my next post.

Thank you.



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