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Essay on Ecosystem Restoration

 Hello friends,

This would be my second essay on the account of World Environment Day and this year's topic is UN on a decade of Ecosystem Restoration. This essay is going to be a little longer as I have covered all the important points so do read the essay till the end and there is also an important question for you all in the end, so don't forget to check that out. So, before any further ado, let's begin the essay.

Ecosystem Restoration


“Let’s nurture the nature so that we can have a better future”.

 The ecosystem sustains everything on this planet including plants, humans, water bodies, air and even micro-organisms. These all factors contribute to make the earth the only planet in the solar system to sustain life. In the initial stages, which means before humans came into existence, nature and other elements lived in harmony, creating a heavenly ecosystem. Then, there were no signs of pollution and the ecosystem bloomed like a newly born bud. As centuries passed, humans evolved through many stages and with our evolution, being the smartest beings, we discovered many things. Things like fire, machines leading to factories, vehicles. These inventions made life easier but we neglected their effect on the ecosystem.

   The same ecosystem which, as a mother carries all life and nature in her arms. Did the ecosystem sustain our evolution, nurtured us only waiting for the day when we would return her affection and love by harming and degrading her? Now is the peak time when the whole of mankind should work together and implement ways to revert our ecosystem to its original form. Some important things that can bring huge impact in reverting the degraded condition of the ecosystem, in the following decade are, identifying major causes of the degradation. Then, identifying the hotspots and completely reducing the sources and degradation in the hotspots by implementing certain rules and in other ways.

When we talk about the causes, the list is endless. The major cause is pollution of all kinds. To name a few, air pollution is caused due to vehicular exhaust, burning of garbage in open areas. Water pollution caused due to dumping of waste or chemicals from industries in water bodies are a few causes. Soil pollution is mainly caused due to faulty agricultural practices, overgrazing and extensive use of fertilizers. Another critical cause of degradation is overpopulation, with a birth rate higher than the mortality rate there is more demand for resources like food shelter. Deforestation is also a cause of degradation as extensive cutting down of trees would mean an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, leading to global warming. 


After understanding the different sources of degradation, we need to identify the major hotspots in the world like Norilsk in Russia, Zagros in Iran, Kriel in South Africa are some of the major hotspots of air pollution. Citarum River in Indonesia, the Ganges in India, yellow river in China are few hotspots of water pollution. The final and the most important step is reducing these ecosystem degradations in these hotspots. The most impactful measure to do this would be implementing strict laws as people would not follow anything unless it’s a law. An example the comes to me right now is that in Delhi, India, to reduce air pollution a law was implemented where vehicles with numbers ending with even number will be allowed on roads on even days of the month and numbers ending with odd will be allowed on odd days. This simple measure helped to drastically curd air pollution in Delhi, as the number of vehicles on roads decreased leading to a decrease in vehicular exhaust. Other ways are by spreading awareness through social media, advertisements and campaigns to encourage and educate people to plant trees, practising measures like carpooling or using public transport etc.


These were some suggestions where we can restore the ecosystem by three simple steps that are-Identify source, identify hotspot and curbing degradation in the hotspots.  we all can follow and play or part in this social work. Small contributions from every person can bring a huge difference in reverting our ecosystem to the same greener, cleaner, pollution-free state so that our future generations can eat the fruits of the seeds we all sow today. I would like to end this essay with a thought- “The ecosystem is where we all meet, where we all have mutual interest, it is the only thing we all share”

So that is all for this essay guys. I hope the essay was helpful and informative. If you loved reading the essay do subscribe, comment and share it with your friends and family. Before leaving I would like to ask you a very important question, you might have read hundreds of such articles on the environment today but what is your resolution to contribute to restoring the ecosystem? Do comment down and tell us what your resolution is! Signing off for now but will meet you soon in my next essay till then good bye.

Thank you



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