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Experience with new pet


         From childhood I have felt that the most dangerous, furious, and frightening animals are dogs. I used to be a child who would change the path he is walking on if he sees a dog sitting or walking on the same path. Those creatures were like nightmares for me and were usually the things that made me avoid going outdoors. An incident occurred that I would never forget. There were a couple of stray dogs in my colony. I was playing with my friends and we were just running around when a dog suddenly attacked us.

         All my friends were fast runners and they fled but I was a bit slow so the dog ran behind me like a devil. I was confused about the reason the dog attacked us but nevertheless, I ran for my life. The dog was about to bite me when my mom came into the scene and saved me. I was completely in tears when I reached home. My mother calmed me down and I couldn’t sleep the whole night however I was completely unaware of the surprise that was waiting for me the next day. I woke up the next day and there was no school as it was a Sunday but I couldn’t find my parents at home instead there was a big box in the living room. I stepped closer to the box when suddenly it started shaking and some noise was coming from inside it. I went on to open the lid of the box with mixed feelings of curiosity and nervousness. As I opened the lid a small puppy popped out.

        It was a golden pup with black twinkling eyes and soft fur. It looked adorable but the fear of dogs in me didn’t let me dare go close to it. I had no parents home and was stuck with the creature I am most frightened of. I was thinking of a way to get out of the situation when the puppy came toward me, I was turning pale and my heart beating faster. Then the puppy pounced on me and started sniffing and then licking me…. I was too frightened to scream but then I realized that the dog actually wasn’t hurting me but instead playing with me. I started to slowly stroke on the pup’s head and then I guess the fear of dogs in me just vanished in thin air.

          My parents came out of their hiding spots on seeing me playing with the dog. I was quite cross with them at first but then realized that it was only because of them I was able to get rid of my fear. They were proud of the way I handled the situation. Most children beg for pets but I had got one without wanting and I am sure that the puppy was the best surprise I could get out of a box and I loved it with all my heart.

So, this is how I got my pet and was the most pleasant incident of my life. I learned friendship and loyalty from my pet dog. What was your experience when you got your pet? Do comment and share with us, we would love to hear your stories.

I would like to end the essay here and sorry as this essay got quite long but I couldn’t resist skipping details that would make the essay better. You can always add your ideas and modify it.

Pic courtesy- and google images


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